Fighting back against Parkinson’s.

The Commons on Marice offers Rock Steady Boxing classes, an affiliate program of Rock Steady Boxing Inc., which enable individuals with Parkinson’s disease to fight their disease by providing non-contact, boxing-style fitness programs that are designed to improve their quality of life, sense of efficacy and self-worth.

Recent studies also suggest that intense exercise programs may be “neuro-protective,” actually working to delay the progression of symptoms. Rock Steady Boxing provides encouragement by inspiring maximum effort, speed, strength, balance and flexibility. Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. Rock Steady Boxing classes may benefit anyone at any level of Parkinson’s and may lessen their symptoms and lead to a healthier, happier life.

Sue R. recently became a boxer at Rock Steady Boxing at The Commons on Marice and has loved it there. Since 2009, Sue has been fighting back against Parkinson's disease and even started a blog called "Parkinson's Disease, DBS and Life" to help others better understand how Parkinson's affects people differently and the treatment options available.

Rock Steady Boxing keeps me moving, and I feel has slowed the progression of my Parkinson's.

Sue R., Boxer

Boxer Stories

Jeff’s Story: Rock Steady Boxing is More Than An Exercise Program

Empowering Lives: The Impact of Rock Steady Boxing and Coach Beth

Rock Steady Boxing with Suzann: “We Are in This Together”

Rock Steady Boxing Helps Jim Control his Approach to Parkinson’s

In-Person Classes

Rock Steady Boxing at The Commons on Marice offers different levels of in-person classes to accommodate varying degrees of Parkinson’s fitness.


Friends for boxers and caregivers.


Call Rock Steady Boxing at 651-688-9999 to learn more about the program and the monthly membership fees.

What a class is like

Boxing classes are taught by Rock Steady Boxing Certified Coaches and include an exercise program that attacks Parkinson’s at its vulnerable neurological points. The program focuses on overall fitness, strength training, reaction time and balance, HIIT and circuit training. No boxing experience is necessary and people of all ages are invited to participate. Boxers, both male and female, range in age from mid-30s to early 90s. Boxing gloves are the only equipment needed.

Meet the Program Director

Jeffrey Rank

Rock Steady Boxing Program Director

Rock Steady Boxing Program Director Jeffrey Rank is dedicated to developing programs in Eagan for older adults to help them remain active and healthy. Jeffrey’s passion and enthusiasm for improving the quality of life for those living with Parkinson’s shine through his coaching and leadership.